Senior Wireless Research Scientist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab. In the past I served as Principal Member of Technical Staff, Lead Member of Technical Staff and Director of Technology Security at AT&T, New Jersey. I also serve as IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer and Co-Chair for IEEE 5G Initiative. Prior to AT&T, I also worked as the CTO of Wireless Solutions at NIKSUN, a Cybersecurity company located in Princeton, Telcordia Research and Columbia University.
IEEE/ACM Activities
I am IEEE Commuications Society Distinguished Lectutrer. I am also Co-Chair of IEEE 5G initiative along with Prof. Gerhard Fettweis. Currently, I serve as the Director of Industry Outreach (Volunteer) withtin IEEE Communications Society
As the past chair of IEEE Princeton/Central Jersey Section, Ashutosh led an exclusive group of 4000 IEEE members and 15 engineering societies and chapters.